Auto renewal Terms and Conditions
By opting in for automatic renewal, you hereby authorise ANZSOM on an automatic annual basis to:
- Renew your ANZSOM membership each year as the payment becomes due (March)
- Charge the applicable membership fees to the credit card details that that you have provided and have been retained securely with our payment gateway, eWay.
Please note:
- Membership fees are subject to change, and are agreed upon on an annual basis by the ANZSOM General Council.
- Automatic renewals will be processed during the month of March each year, but no later than 31 March.
- An email will be sent prior to payments being processed to remind members that their annual membership will be processed and to confirm the amount that will be deducted.
- If you do not wish to proceed with automatic renewal for an upcoming membership year, you must opt out no later than 28 February. To opt out, contact the Secretariat on 1300 666 515, or email
- If your credit card details are due to expire or have changed, please contact the Secretariat on 1300 666 515, or email to provide correct and current details.
- If payment of your membership fees are declined due to the card being cancelled, invalid, expired or having insufficient funds, the Secretariat will send members a notification via email.
- If attempts to contact you for a valid credit card are unsuccessful, Auto Renew will be disabled, and you will receive your renewal notices and reminders via our normal renewal process.