Occupational and Environmental Medicine Journal
In our ongoing efforts to enhance the value of ANZSOM membership, we have secured online access for members to Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM), the official journal of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, London. The OEM is the international peer reviewed journal, one of 70 published by the respected and renowned BMJ, British Medical Journal. OEM covers developments in occupational and environmental health globally and publishes high quality research relating to the full range of chemical, physical, ergonomic, biological and psychosocial hazards in the workplace and to environmental contaminants and their health effects.
The journal is accessible to members via the link below (NOTE: member login required); there is no additional charge and members can continue to enjoy access while their subscription to ANZSOM remains current.
Access to the OEM Journal (Member login required)
Occupational Medicine Journal
Following on from our Memorandum of Collaboration with the Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) in the UK, we are pleased to announce that all ANZSOM members have free online access to the Occupational Medicine Journal. The annual subscription (9 issues) is accessible to members via the link below (NOTE: member login required); there is no additional charge and members can continue to enjoy access while their subscription to ANZSOM remains current
Occupational Medicine is the official journal of the Society of Occupational Medicine and is published by Oxford Journals. It is an international peer-reviewed journal which provides vital information for the promotion of workplace health and safety. The journal aims to improve the practice of occupational health professionals through continuing education and to raise the profile of occupational health with key stakeholders including policy makers and representatives of employers and employees.
Access to the OM Journal (Member login required)