Nurses' Focused Learning Opportunities from ANZSOM
The Nurse Focus Webinar Series was introduced in 2022, and are designed specifically for occupational health nurses, aligning with the new OHN Competency Standards. Three Nurse Focus Webinars will be held this year, and recordings will be displayed on the Online Learning Modules page.
Upcoming webinar
Our next Nurse Focus webinar will be held on the 16 July - stay tuned for more details!
Previous webinars
Unlocking the potential of early intervention in work injury management
Presenter: Tanya Cambey, Advocacy Advisor with It Pays to Care, and Manager, WorkCover Queensland
Date: Wednesday 19 March 2025
Recording available (member login required)
Session overview
This webinar explores the compelling evidence and practical approaches for early intervention in work injury management, highlighting the "It Pays to Care" framework that emphasises values-based and evidence-informed practices.
Research consistently demonstrates that early intervention in work injuries leads to significantly better outcomes for all stakeholders. The presentation will examine how psychosocial factors account for up to 85% of prolonged work disability cases, and how addressing these factors through structured assessment and targeted intervention can produce remarkable results. Case studies, including the WISE NSW Public hospital study and Australia Post EMCAP program, demonstrate reductions of 30-50% in lost time and 17-34% in claims costs when appropriate early intervention strategies are implemented.
Occupational nurses will learn about their pivotal role in this process through:
- Recognising and addressing psychosocial barriers using validated tools like the Orebro short form questionnaire
- Implementing a biopsychosocial approach that considers the whole person
- Facilitating effective collaboration between employers, healthcare providers, and injured workers
- Observing changes in worker behaviour and providing early support to prevent prolonged disability
The presentation will include a real-world case study of "John," highlighting both missed opportunities and best practices in early intervention. We'll examine how proper assessment of psychosocial factors and appropriate supports could have prevented his condition from becoming chronic.
Supporting psychosocial wellbeing of remote workers
Presenters: Louise Kelly and Calli Markham
Date: Wednesday 4 December 2024
RECORDING AVAILABLE (member login required)
Session overview
Supporting Psychosocial wellbeing in offshore workers: A coach consultants’ perspective
Speaker: Louise Kelly
Louise completed two offshore rotations as a wellness officer, providing coaching and psychosocial support to FIFO workers who had been onboard for extended periods due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. In this session, Louise will share her experience mobilizing to a 400-person vessel in the Ichthys gas field, located 220km off the coast of Western Australia, and discuss the unique challenges of working offshore. These include mandatory emergency training, the mobilization process, and living conditions. She will also explore the mental health challenges faced by workers in confined spaces, multicultural teams, with limited internet access and family communication, and offer strategies used to support and connect isolated workers.
Supporting mental health and wellbeing in extreme remote environment
Speaker: Calli Markham
This presentation explores various aspects of Chevron's operations in Western Australia, including locations such as Perth, Onslow, Barrow Island, and the Wheatstone Platform. It highlights the challenges of delivering medical services in remote and extreme environments, emphasising the importance of timely medical care and the vital role of onsite medical staff.
Additionally, the presentation addresses the creation of mentally healthy workplaces. It examines the impact of psychosocial hazards on worker health and wellbeing, including issues such as burnout, substance abuse, fatigue, and poor sleep. The presentation also emphasises the importance of managing these hazards to enhance performance, productivity, and overall employee wellbeing.
Supporting healthy heads and thriving workplaces – an industry specific approach
Presenter: Melissa Weller - Director, Industry Relations and Program Management, Healthy Heads in Trucks and Sheds
Date: Wednesday 17 July 2024
RECORDING AVAILABLE (member login required)
Session outline:
- Healthy Heads in Trucks and Sheds - who we are and what we do
- Overview of resources and programs developed
- Our framework – putting psychological safety into practice
- Creating a psychologically safe work environments in transport, warehousing and logistics
Early vocational rehabilitation following major traumatic injuries
Presenter: Dr Pam Ross
Date: Tuesday 12 March 2024
RECORDING AVAILABLE (member login required)
Session outline:
The TAC has recently supported a major research project to explore best practice approaches to early vocational rehabilitation, resulting in a comprehensive intervention manual for clinicians. Drawing on this work, Pam will outline the principles and clinical pathways to guide early vocational rehabilitation after major traumatic injuries.
Clinical governance: what does it mean for me?
Presenter: Kate Rowan-Robinson
Date: Tuesday 12 December 2023
RECORDING AVAILABLE (member login required)
Session outline:
Clinical governance can be complex and challenging to apply in a busy clinic environment, particularly when many quality and safety resources are designed for use in hospital systems, not primary health care. This presentation will discuss the basics of clinical governance and governance mechanisms you can consider for practical application in your everyday practice to improve quality healthcare.
Neurodiversity and the workplace
Presenters: Beverley Dales - Psychotherapist, Daniella Collicelli - Clinical Counsellor
Date: Wednesday 19 July 2023
Session outline:
Increasingly there is a realisation that all humans are unique and that in the workplace we should focus on understanding and making the most of our ‘differences’ rather than trying to ‘fix’ our deficiencies.
As an experienced workplace coach and counsellor, Beverley Dale has worked with many workers and workplaces to educate and facilitate best practice approaches to managing and celebrating neurodiversity in the workplace.
She will share these experiences and provide practical ideas for OHNs and other workplace health professionals as they support their workplaces in this important area.
Emergency rinsing of chemical splashes
Presenter: Natalie Stephens, Brand Manager - Prevor / Amare Safety
Date: Wednesday 15 March 2023
RECORDING AVAILABLE (member login required)
Webinar highlights:
- Consequences of chemical injuries
- The difference between corrosive and irritant agents
- Chemical effects on skin and eye tissue cells (both immediate and long-term)
- The limitation of water as a first-aid agent
- Case studies
The webinar was presented by Natalie Stephens, Brand Manager of Prevor (Amare Safety), who has been in the medical device / pharmaceutical industry for over 20 years.
Creating a workplace mental health strategy
Presenter: Brianna Cattanach, Practice Leader and Senior Occupational Therapist
Date: Wednesday 7 December 2022
Session outline:
Mental illness in Australia is extremely common with one in five working Australians experiencing a mental illness each year. Since COVID-19, contact with mental health services has increased by 42%. Unfortunately, over 60% of Australian’s attribute at least in part, their mental health challenges to the workplace, as such it is unsurprising that the safety authorities nationally are increasing their focus, expectations and regulations around the way that workplaces of all nature, manage and prevent psychosocial risk.
There has never been a more important time for businesses to build a mental health strategy for their workforce focusing on culture, early support and best practice processes to manage risk.
This session covered how to address growing compliance requirements, build a meaningful mental health program and offer practical strategies to improve the psychological safety and mental wellbeing of employees.
Respiratory protection programs and the role of the OHN
Presenters: Helen Truscott & Emma McCartney
Date: Wednesday 25 May 2022
RECORDING AVAILABLE (member login required)
Session outline:
- Why do we conduct fit testing?
- What does the legislation say?
- Fit testing and the OHN Competency Standards
- Who can perform a fit test?
- Quantitative Vs qualitative testing
- Policies and procedures
- Trouble shooting when fit testing
- Respirator types and how to use different adaptors
- Workplace Respiratory Protection Programs - where do I start?
- Selection of RPE for my workplace
- Medical evaluation
- Education and training
- Maintenance
- Record keeping
Earning and recording CPD points
ANZSOM provides continual professional development opportunities via online learning resources, the Annual Scientific Meeting and state branch meetings. Generally these activities are not formally accredited with the Royal Australian College of Nursing, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners or Royal Australasian College of Physicians (AFOEM) however, you can claim CPD points for participation in non-accredited activities. Participation in ANZSOM Committees may also count towards CPD points.
Completion of ANZSOM CPD activities, including the ASM, Branch educational meetings, webinars and online learning modules, can be recorded in My Profile (CPD activity record).
For more details regarding profession-specific CPD requirements and how ANZSOM CPD contributes, download the document below or for more details please contact your governing / registration body directly.